Board Announces 2021 4% Friday Recipients

One of our most exciting ways to support community is through 4% Friday! 你们一起购物,我们每月在一个星期五把皇冠网址销售额的4%捐给非营利组织, charitable community organization. And just think--each of these organizations is, itself, supporting the community! What a great circle of giving.

viva farms

Viva Farms – January 22

Viva Farms is a non-profit farm business incubator established in 2009. 他们通过提供全面的双语(英语/西班牙语)培训,帮助有抱负、历史上服务不足、资源有限的农民, regenerative, organic agriculture.

Viva最近为其孵化和农业园区的农民获得了20英亩的斯卡吉特农田. 周五4%的资金将直接用于改善这个新址的农业基础设施,使其在2021年“为农民做好准备”.

meals on wheels

Skagit County Meals on Wheels – February 26



Due to the pandemic, the program has grown by 19%. 1000美元可以为斯卡吉特县的老人提供112顿热的自制饭菜.

children of the valley

Children of the Valley – March 26

山谷儿童(COV)是一个课后项目,为弗农山学区的学生提供服务. 它的使命是每天放学后为最需要帮助的孩子提供一个积极的环境. COV is a referral-based program, 由学生的学校辅导员和/或老师根据学业和个人需要推荐.

Last fall, COV expanded its services to two sites to serve more students, 继续为学生提供必要的工作人员的学术和个人支持,在白天与他们的远程学习. COV将使用4%的周五资金购买急需的户外设备和丰富用品,供孩子们在不参加在线远程学习时在户外玩耍时使用.

mount vernon farmer's market

Mount Vernon Farmers Market – April 23

弗农农贸市场的使命是为斯卡吉特县的市民提供新鲜食品, 当地种植的农产品和手工制作的物品,并支持社区农业在一个友好的, informative atmosphere.

At the market, one of the main goals is food access. 4% Friday funds will help support the market’s Skagit PICKs program, 他们为低收入家庭提供免费的水果和蔬菜,并从他们的合作伙伴那里获得教育工具, Skagit Pediatrics.

concrete farm to school

Concrete Farm to School – May 28

混凝土农场到学校的使命是通过提供健康的当地食物来培养有弹性的学生和家庭, nutrition and culinary education, and hands-on gardening activities. Concrete Farm to School serves students, families, and community members that live within the Concrete School District boundaries.

周五的资金将用于支持混凝土农场到学校为高中生提供的为期8周的暑期职业课程. 学习融入了他们的暑期经历,重点是沟通等关键的工作技能, conflict management, resume writing, interviewing, and much more.

camp korey

Camp Korey – June 25

The mission of Camp Korey is to honor the courage, strength, 并决心孩子和他们的家庭生活在改变生活的医疗条件,为他们提供一个转变的经验,在一个有趣的, safe camp environment with specialized medical support.

Annually, Camp Korey serves over 1,500 children and families living with one or more of 35 serious medical conditions. All Camp Korey programs are 100% free of cost to children and families.


skagit gleaners

Skagit Gleaners – July 23

Skagit Gleaners is an all-volunteer, non-profit organization. Its purpose is to provide food, household merchandise, and clothing to frugal, waste-conscious, and working families.

Skagit Gleaners does this by rescuing surplus food and product from local businesses, keeping such items out of overflowing landfills. 自2019冠状病毒病以来,他们每个月都拯救并重新分配了大约15万磅的食物. Of that, they distributed nearly 65,000 pounds each month to local food banks.

4% Friday Funds will be used to offset the costs of commercial cold storage space. 自COVID-19开始以来,来自社区的剩余食物数量增加了两倍. As a result, Skagit拾荒者不得不投资更多的冷冻空间,以便在分发之前储存食物.

food to go

Food to Go – August 27

Food to Go为阿纳科特斯学区的学生提供周末补充食品. 参加这个项目的大多数学生都是那些在学校得到免费和减价午餐的学生,但他们在周末经常挨饿.

4% Friday funds will be used to buy fresh fruit or veggies to put in lunch bags. Food to Go prepared approximately 119 bags a week last summer, but future school numbers are projected to double

YMCA oasis teen center

YMCA Oasis Teen Shelter – September 24

斯卡吉特山谷家庭基督教青年会的使命是通过赋予心灵力量的关系创造积极的社区变化, body, and spirit of all.Oasis也利用这一使命,但强调为无家可归的年轻人提供“时间的礼物”.


one community one family

One Community One Family – October 22

One Community One Family的使命是为Skagit Valley社区的癌症患者提供诊断支持.它认为,大多数人并没有为巨大的情感和身体变化做好充分准备, as well as the financial hardships of cancer.

One Community One Family is awarding need-based grants of $1000, and 4% Friday funds will help support 2-3 grants.有2到3个家庭的负担会稍微减轻,因为他们会在照顾家人的同时尝试着进行诊断以及如何让一切都正常运转.

Skagit DVSAS

Skagit DVSAS – November 19

Skagit DVSAS的使命是通过赋权来结束社区中的家庭暴力和性侵犯, advocacy, education, awareness, and action for social change. Their vision is for all people to live full, free, expressive, and empowered lives in a safe, vibrant, healthy, and peaceful community.

周五的4%将用于补充该机构现有的酒店代金券资金和紧急财政援助预算. 这将确保Skagit DVSAS在这些艰难时期,当避难所达到容量时,能够继续为幸存者及其家人提供住所.

Anacortes family center

Anacortes Family Center – December 17

The mission of the Anacortes Family Center is to serve homeless women, children, 为陷入危机的家庭提供住所,并提供全面的转型服务,以实现持久的个人成功和自给自足.

4%星期五的资金将用于支持阿纳科特斯家庭中心的拯救生命和改变生活的计划, 包括案例管理,以帮助家庭获得工作和住房,以及处理和治愈独特的创伤.